Tennis fans, get ready for a thrilling match! Elise Mertens and Eva Lys, two exceptional players, will shortly square off in a captivating match on the court. With her remarkable accomplishments, Mertens established herself as a Belgian tennis legend. However, emerging talent Lys is ready to do her best to leave her imprint. There is an aura of gre… Read More

Saturday 9 March 2024, 06:29 - Last updated: 20 May, 13:44 «Fedez and I had made a pact: complete silence for 15 days, until the results of the histological examination were in. He kept it for 48 hours. Then he took a picture of himself alone and posted everything on Instagram». Massimo Falconi is the surgeon who operated on the rapper in March 2… Read More

Fedez, the Italian rap sensation, has captured fans with his one-of-a-kind sound and lyrics that are deeply thought-provoking. On the other hand, it is possible that many admirers do not fully comprehend the hardship that exists behind the spotlight: Fedez health concerns. These experiences have begun to weave themselves into his music in powerful … Read More